Students decorate hallways for hawks

During both Winter Wishes and before the Seahawk won their playoff game, the south wing of the third floor has been decorated.

“I was thinking about it over the weekend and talked with Mr. Hua at Monday’s staff meeting when the idea of decorating for the Seahawks came up,” math teacher Rachel Peart explained.

Though it may have been Peart’s idea, senior Mary Dimond explains who worked to make it happen.

“Riley Kudabeck and I did all the decorating with some help from Mr. Hua, Mrs. Peart and a few other students,” Dimond said.

Peart elaborates on who the decorators were and what they did.

“I asked Kudabeck to line the hall with blue and green butcher paper. Conversations with her and Dimond brought up the idea of painting Seahawks and they ran with the idea. Massive credit goes to them for expanding on the idea and completing it. They stayed late and finished. I refer to them as the ‘glitteratzi,” Peart said. “They also spent their own time decorating [the] back wall in my room earlier this year. Hua and I went out for supplies, I put up the lights with flashers. Other helpers: Kelty Pierce, Kenton Robillard, Aaron Strobl, Riley Pletcher, Lakeyn Thomas.”

Kudabeck, who worked on the Seahawks wall, explains her feelings upon seeing the decorations in the hallway.

“During Winter Wishes I walked up to the third floor and as soon as I walked around the corner, it just gave me that feeling of ‘Elf’. Within one night the entire south hallway had been recreated into a winter wonderland. The day we revealed the Seahawks wall was the greatest memory I have ever had. Students were taking pictures left and right, they were videotaping and they were dancing to ‘Can’t Hold Us’—even the teachers. It was awesome,” Kudabeck said.

The Leadership class can also be seen decorating the halls. Strobl, a senior, discusses how the decorations on the first floor came to be. Both of these groups put in after-school hours

“I was talking to Noah [McDonald] as we were [taking] the picture thing in the third floor. I said, ‘If we win this weekend, we are going to decorate the entire school.’ It was almost a bet between him and [me]. Then, after the game, I texted him and [Jacob] Studebaker and we got a group together to come in on a day there was no school to decorate,” Strobl said.

The decorations led to an increase of school spirit and creates a positive environment, according to Peart.

“[The decorations] help school spirit. I was pleased to overhear students commenting [about] how nice it was and taking pictures. It is great for students to see their teachers enjoying the moment and celebrating with [students],” Peart said