The Viking Vanguard is an open forum for student expression, which means that we represent and tell the stories of the voices of the students. We, the photographers, writers and editors, strive to create a nuanced brand of professional journalism.
To that end, being accurate in our reporting of the news you need to know, want to know and should know is of the utmost importance. When we report stories, we want to make sure we obtain information from credible sources, like authority figures and experts in the field as well as those impacted by what is happening and decisions that are being made.
We will also always aim to reflect the culture of our community to a high standard. We live in an ever increasing diverse society and community. The stories we report on should reflect the culture of the student body, the issues that pertain to them and provide them with means to make better and more informed decisions.
Through this, we will do all things through the highest level of professionalism. We are not “just” a high school publication; we are a publication that values its 112 year legacy, its national-recognition and wants to maintain the standards of the journalists who have come through this program before us.
We are Viking Student Media, we are the Viking Vanguard staff, we are the storytellers and history keepers of this future. All content published by Viking Student Media will be carefully reviewed by student editors to ensure the highest quality of work for you to indulge in.