Schedule Changes

Students and staff bid goodbye to Wednesday 2-hour late start and hello to Monday one-hour late start. reception mixed

The change from Wednesday late arrival to Monday late start during the 2013-2014 school year is an adjustment not only for students at Puyallup High School, but the staff as well.

Career Specialist Shelley Jellison is one person affected by the change in school schedules.

“We are as confused as some of the students and parents too, so we are learning how we are using these Mondays as we go,” Jellison said.

Many students and staff are both surprised and indignant toward this change of moving late start days to Mondays versus Wednesdays. The choice to change the school schedule made by the Puyallup School District itself.

“This was definitely district-directed. We did not get to vote, nor were we asked whether we wanted Mondays or Wednesdays,” Jellison said.

Most students who have been part of the district for years recall the change from early school dismissal to late arrivals a few years back. At first the change was difficult for students and staff to adjust to.

“I think when we went to Wednesdays, we used to have an early dismissal and then we went to late arrival and that was a big upheaval–we got used to it and we will get used to this it is just kind of whatever they toss out, we work with it and make it work,” Jellison said.

Changes in school schedules can cause quite an obstacle in the lives of students, such as sophomore Brooke Terry.

“It is added stress and it is harder to get homework done in a busy week,” Terry said.

For some students, Wednesday mornings before school started last year were used as a time for homework or test studying. Some teachers even offered the time in the morning for students to come in and turn in late work. This was also the situation for CTE teacher Marlys Black.

“I do not know how we can and cannot use that time specifically (for planning or having students come in). I know we are getting more clarification, (Monday mornings before school is in session) will be principal directed,” Black said.

Not only is the change of schedule from a Wednesday to a Monday but the time is also changed from a 90-minute late arrival to a one-hour late arrival.

Some students prefer the Monday late arrival rather than the Wednesday late arrival. But most, including Terry, dislike the change to the school schedule.

However, teachers such as Black prefer the Monday late arrival rather than the Wednesday late arrival.

“I do like it on a Monday because it starts your schedule off one hour late and then you have three days of the same schedule and one day that is off, instead of every other day (being a different schedule),” said Black.