The students of Puyallup High School saw Thr3e shut their doors from April 18-29 unexpectedly and the question everyone was asking was “why?”
However, current manager Jan Forschler says the shutdown was intentional.
“It was very much intentional; we were not forced to shut down at all,” Forschler said.
One of the rumors that circulated during this time was that the coffee shop was shut down because of a health code violation.
What actually went on during those two weeks, according to Forschler, was that the staff spent time upgrading some of the tools they have in store.
“It was just simply a convenient time to do what we were already planning on doing and having people moving around in store while trying to install new things would be a hassle so we just closed to make things easier,” Forchsler said.
Forschler says bigger refrigerators were installed along with a sneeze guard in front of the main counter and a few new toasters.
Forschler has been a manager for about one year and plans to sign on for another year as a Manager at Thr3e.
Another rumor for the shutdown was that Thr3e was illegally classified as an extension to the church right beside it, showing false permits. This is not true however. Thr3e is its own establishment, with separate permits.
“The restaurant does have their own permits to be a separate deal,” Forschler said.
The church started Thr3e as a way to help students by giving them a place to go to after school and do homework. Forschler explained how the shop is connected to and funded by the church. Forschler originally went to that church and when the project was going on she was asked about becoming a manager.
At first, Forschler thought the job would not be fun but she ended up really enjoying the experiences she has had during the year and hopes for great things for the store.
“We are not here to just make money off of high school students, we are here to help students by providing a calming environment. We want [them] here,” Forshcler said.
Forschler says she plans to keep Thr3e going for a long time, even after she may no longer work there.