New expectations regarding school and learning have been announced.
Starting Tuesday, April 14 teachers will begin new instruction.
What this means is that each teacher will provide students and parents with a weekly schedule that outlines what will be taught that week and what assignments students need to complete. Teachers will be delivering instruction in a variety of ways as well as holding office hours. Students will still get feedback on completed work and getting extra support from teachers, as needed.
According to the weekly message e-mailed out by Principal Dave Sunich, students are expected to log into Schoology to check for updates and new information. Students should also be checking their school e-mail and attending class meetings and viewing pre-recorded instructional lessons.
One of the most recent guidelines set in place at the state level is an expectation that schools track attendance. Puyallup School District is looking into a variety of ways to do that with the bottom line that attendance is more than likely going to be tracked weekly, not daily, and will be determined by participation in course activities.
How grades will work is still one area up in the air, however district officials report that teachers will be tracking student completion of work and recording it. Consequently, when final grades are being decided, a student’s effort and work completed during the school closure will be considered.