PHS steps it up-cheer team

The cheer team leads fans in cheers at sporting events, instilling a sense of unity among the sports game audience.
Cheer captain Julia Heseltine spoke about the type of events that the cheer team attends throughout the year.
“We cheer at football games, boys and girls basketball and girls and boys wrestling. We go to every sport to support [the players, whether it be] soccer, tennis or bowling. We will go to everything,” Heseltine said.
Heseltine discussed the team’s goals for this cheer season.
“This year we are going to be competing. One of our huge goals [for this year] is to really stay together as a team and stay strong because with competition, it can get really hard and really busy with the normal high school season. We really have to stay connected and stay strong together,” Heseltine said.
The cheer team meets every Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday to train for their events.
Heseltine shared her favorite part about participating in cheer.
“My favorite part of the cheer team is how we each know each other individually and there is a different story for everyone. We have some people who are very diverse,” Heseltine said.