The FCCLA club is collecting donations of any toiletries, razors, tampons, pads, towels and any other items Dec. 1-Dec. 11 to donate to St. Francis House and the local Puyallup food bank.
Donations can be made outside the gym Dec. 7-11 from 3-4:30 p.m. for curbside drop off or available by appointment as well.
Club adviser, Dr. Cassandra Mueller says that the club has not received a lot of in person donations or drop offs.
“The most in need items are deodorant and razors and diapers,” Mueller said. “We discussed in our meeting the phenomenon of not being able to buy items with snap assistance and those are the ones that are most needed.”
To schedule an appointment to make a donation, interested individuals should contact Mueller directly by e-mail, [email protected].