Bailey Walker’s Far Out Experience

Bailey Walker is a senior with some travel plans coming up in the next couple months.

Walker is taking a trip to England in partnership with the Far Academy, a skate organization that teaches kids how to make and ride a skateboard.

A few months ago Walker went to England with Alchemy Skateboarding, an organization he helped develop with some friends. While there Walker and Alchemy Skateboarding met with other skate groups. One of those organizations was the Far Academy.

“After talking we played with the idea of having me go over there and help out with teaching kids how to skate. They were really great people and we got along well,” Walker said.

The journey will take place around August or later and Walker will be visiting Canterbury and Kent, England.

Walker states his feelings about the trip.

“It feels amazing to be given the opportunity but at the same time it is kind of scary and sad going to another country for a while and having to leave all my friends. I guess that is what happens when you become an adult. It just happened a lot faster than I expected,” Walker said.

This is not Walker’s first time being a teacher to others.

“I have taught kids how to skateboard all over Washington and some parts of Montana but I have never really gotten paid to do it or had to leave the country,” Walker said.

Walker notes his thoughts about teaching.

“I always love teaching kids, I have been doing it for the past four years but I never had to teach kids with an English accent so that should be interesting,” Walker said.