Kavanaugh VS Ford

Who is Brett Kavanaugh?
Brett Kavanaugh served as a federal judge since 2006. His nominee was sent the to Senate July 10 and his induction was confirmed Oct. 6  before the Senate Judiciary Committee as a Supreme Court Justice. He went to Georgetown Preparatory and Yale Law School.

Who is Dr. Christine Blasey Ford?
She is a psychology professor at Palo Alto University and a research psychologist at the Stanford University School of Medicine.

What was the Kavanaugh v. Ford Hearing?
It is for Brett Kavanaugh to address several sexual allegations made against him by Dr. Ford, who claims that he attacked her in 1982.

The Breakdown: Dr. Ford
Ford reached out to Anna Eshoo , her congresswoman in California, July 6 regarding her concerns about Kavanaugh’s nomination to the Supreme Court. The letter started off by asking for confidentiality, then dove into her sexual assault allegation against Kavanaugh, which included clear detail of the incident that happened at a house party in a suburban neighborhood in Maryland in the summer of 1982.
Sept.16 her allegations were made public and Kavanaugh vehemently denied her statement.
Both Ford and Kavanaugh testified in a hearing before the Senate Judiciary Committee Spet. 27.
By Sept. 30 the FBI still hadn’t contacted Ford and her team regarding the week long FBI investigation, that was issued by Sen Jeff Flake.

The Breakdown: Brett Kavanaugh
Kavanaugh was announced as President Trump’s nominee July 9 to replace Anthony Kennedy on the Supreme Court as a Justice.  
Kavanaugh, again, denied all accusations by Dr. Ford Sept. 17.

Deborah Ramirez came forward with a statement Sept. 23 claiming that Kavanaugh participated in various sexual misconduct incidents while they attended Yale together. Kavanaugh also denied this statement.

Kavanaugh releases his calendar from 1982, while later in the day another allegation by Julie Swetnick claims that Kavanaugh and his friends would spike girls drinks — targeting them for sexual assault. She alleged that Kavanaugh was present while she was raped at a party. Kavanaugh again, denies all allegations Sept 26.
Kavanaugh was given the green light to advance to the Senate floor while Sen. Jeff Flake called for a FBI Investigation Sept. 28.

A police report from a bar fight was released Oct. 1 that involves Kavanaugh and a handful of others, while they attended Yale.

How did Social Media played a role?
Many people have taken to Twitter, Instagram and Facebook in order to show their support for either Dr. Ford or Kavanaugh. Social Media Coverage of this case has fostered extreme polarization within the political spheres, as well as in the public. The court of public opinion however, is also divided regarding the hearing.

What does this mean for the Supreme Court now?

Republicans believe it will motivate their “sleepy base” for the Nov. 6 midterm elections in favor of their party. The Republicans that have dreamed of “remaking” the high court for decades are are thrilled about Kavanaugh’s induction as he is a young justice, at only 53. They claim that his induction has also given the Supreme Court a majority of Republican council members.   

What does Kavanaugh support?
Kavanaugh received backlash from multiple Woman’s Reproductive Right Groups Sept. 6 after speaking on the issue of birth control, calling it a “abortion inducing drug’’.  Foundations like Planned Parenthood and National Association of the Repeal of Abortion Laws (NARAL) Pro-Choice America have spoken out against this claim, calling him out on his “anti-science lie.”

“anti-choice extremist phrase that shows that our right to access abortion and contraception would be in SERIOUS danger if he is confirmed,” NARAL tweeted.
Kavanaugh denied to comment on a hypothetical situation about Trump being compelled to respond to a subpoena.
Kavanaugh is also adamant about protecting religious liberty in the United States.

‘’Religious speakers and religious people have a right to their place in the public square,’’ Kavanaugh said in a his hearing.
And with the issue of Net Neutrality, he called Obama’s era ‘’unlawful.”

In Conclusion
Brett Kavanaugh received enough votes Oct. 6 to take on the position of Supreme Court Justice with a final vote of 50-48. Protestors were outside the White House and even in the hallways screaming “shame shame shame,” as heard in the background while his confirmation took place. Many were arrested and detained on sight including the well known actress, Emily Ratajkowski and comedian, Amy Schumer.
Hours later Kavanaugh was sworn in at a private ceremony while the protestors were still standing outside showing their disheartenment about the outcome.